Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Forced Break....

Ok so it looks like Cycle 41 is going to be a "forced break" from TTC. Maybe a good thing. We changed DH's SA test to next week Thursday (personal reason, I so don't feel like going into). Since you have to abstain for 3-5 days before the test we are going to totally miss the O boat. Since the abstaining period falls right over my CD11-14. I have been Oing CD12/13 for the last few cycles. So unless my body decides to O later this cycle, we are going to have to chuck Cycle 41 on the back burner.

Now you all say, so do the SA the following week after that.... Naah, we have wasted enough time. What if we do, then I still don't fall PG and it's just more wasted effort. I'll rather get the SA over and done with so that I can go see Doctor Lovely and get cracking!!

I think I'm ok with that. We have so much going on around here, it might be good to take my mind off of TTC and focus focus focus....

Wow, what am I going to obsess about this 2ww? Any ideas?


Jodie said...

Awwwee this just sucks.. but I guess if it brings you closer to the BFP than it will be worth it.

What to obsess over... your new special project that is still a mystery perhaps?

Martin said...

This might be nothing other than an annoyance, but 3-5 days is not a hard and fast rule.

Up to three days is enough, how close or far is dependant on the problems suspected.

I had by far and away my best SA on about 30 hours abstinence.

Making Babies said...

Thanks Xbox

I'll keep that in mind. I might actually move the appt up by a few days..... ;-)

Jodie, cr@p I have 48 hours left to complete my project. LOL....