Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm so clever...

And thanks to Megs for pointing me in the right direction, I've managed to convert my blog to a 3 column blog * YAY ME *

Not that it makes any difference, but I think it now looks evened out. Except the words "follow me on twitter" looks a bit squished, but I'm not going to be anal about it. Was going to attempt to resize the columns but it's too much techno info for my brain for one day.... thank you very much.

McK had an awesome birthday!! Thank you to everyone that made her feel so special. We struggled to get her into bed last night because she wanted to play with all her new stuff.

On the TTC front..... hmmm no comment....

Ps: Ok, so I had to come back and move the twitter thing.... I'm anal, so what.....

Pss: Ok, so my brain is capable of more techno info, I've increased the margins as well. Thank goodness, now I will be able to sleep at night. LOL