Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh my.,......

The BFPs Gods are being good this week.... I have 2 maybe 3 friends all get their BFPs today (and yesterday)!!!! I would like to wish them the very best and happy healthy pregnancies....

I love seeing BFPs, nothing like 2 lines on a test to set the heart racing and send the emotions into over drive....

I will add that green is not a good colour on me...... LOL

Did I mention that FF moved my O date back to CD13. Doesn't make sense at all, so I'm either 7 or 5 dpo..... which in the grander scheme of things doesn't really matter or won't influence the out come of this cycle. Since we have both CD13 and CD15 covered!! Yay for us.....


Annie Kates said...

I completely understand. It's so bittersweet. You are over the moon for them, yet it reminds you that you do not have your very own bfp. Someday Marcelle, we will all get there someday.