Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday again....

Morning morning. I hope all my blog readers are doing well. And those in South Africa are at least keeping warm. My hands have only now just defrosted, and I’m able to type without any pain.

And for your viewing pleasure, I would like to show you my positive OPK that I got on Saturday.


So I’m either busy Oing as I type LOL (and you say why are you typing blogs when you should be jumping your DH…..) Or I’m freshly into the 2ww already. Which ever way, I haven’t prayed this much in a long time. I think when God sees me on the line, he thinks “Oh no, can’t she think of anything else to ask for??”

Oh BTW, I know a few of my clients read my blog. So this one is for you. Now I love bargains. And even more so if I’m getting HPTs and OPKs at good prices. Making Babies is running a special offer on the Midstream Tests.

special offer

One Step Midstream OPK and HPT Pack. You get 5 OPKs and 3 HPTs for R120.00
which includes Shipping. (Registered Mail). Check our website for full details.


The Swann's said...

That's one beautiful OPK you've got there!!! :-) Does your special go for over seas shipping too?? LOL