Thursday, April 29, 2010

Female2Female Interview

I did an interview for the Female2Female blog site. Very exciting. I love paging through the site and reading fellow female bloggers articles. Be sure to check it out for yourself.

Making Babies Interview

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


National Infertility Awareness Week
24 April - 1 May

Although NIAW is being run in the USA, this week: 24 April - 1 May. I'm sure many of us South African woman could use the support and guidance from fellow infertiles.

I found a great link to the Resolve website that deals with 7 things you can do for NIAW. The most important one I think is that you EDUCATE yourself.

Do you need to see a specialist?

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, you should seek the care of a specialist if you are unable to achieve pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected intercourse and the women is under the age of 35, six months if the women is more than 35 years of age. You should also seek the care of a specialist if you have had more than one miscarriage.

If you answer "YES" to any of these statements talk to your health care professional now regardless of how long you've been trying to conceive. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association urges you and your partner to take charge of your fertility. Asking questions, educating yourself or your partner, and being your own advocate are the fastest ways to building your family.

* I have painful periods.
* I have irregular periods.
* I can not pinpoint when I ovulate.
* My partner/I have a history of STDs.
* I have an unhealthy Body Mass Index (BMI). (underweight or overweight)
* I have had more than one miscarriage.

Share your story by joining the Making Babies Network, and get in touch with other TTCers. You might be able to help another woman but simply sharing your feelings and advice.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Positive Affirmations

For those of you that don't belong to the Making Babies Network... (and you really should join).... We had a member that shared the following Positive Pregnancy Affirmations with us.

Some women use positive affirmations to help them overcome fear, to get pregnant or to simple remind themselves that pregnancy is not an illness. While affirmations are simple and easy, they are also effective for many women.

I think you can apply the same affirmations to TTC.

My body knows how to create life

I will be a good mother

From Pregnancy About:

Using positive affirmations can have a drastic effect on your world, but there are some rules you need to follow in order to get the most out of your daily affirmations.

* Are statements you make that are positive.
* Do work, It’s a law.
* You need to commit to at least 30 days before you will know for yourself.
* Must be personal.
* Must be positive to get positive results.
* Need to be stated in the present tense.
* Need to be simple.

I also need to add in here, that we have 2 Inofolic BFPs at Making Babies!!! I'm so stoked. We have also created a group on the Network called: Project Inofolic for all members who are on Inofolic at the moment to share their experience and get support from fellow TTCers.

Just another great reason to join Making Babies.

Friday, April 16, 2010

MB Update

Hey girlie girls. (and the odd guy)

I hope you are all doing fine this Friday. Sorry about the BFNs and AF's that are messing about. ((HUGS))

Did you all see my pretty representation of Inofolic in the Tabs above? Go look! For those of you that saw it as I put it up, you might have noticed 4 spelling mistakes..... hehehehe, note to self, do not engage in a conversation with your BF while trying to work..... I have fixed it up now, so take a looksie. Also if those who are already taking the Inofolic, if you girls want to add your comments to that page it would be most welcomed.

I would also like to extend a special thank you again to the ladies on the Testing Thread this week. You girls have been awesome with your support and hugs and words of encouragement. This is exactly my vision for this MB site, to have this beautiful interaction and support. THANK YOU!!!

Have an awesome weekend.


PS: Don't forget the Free Shipping Special with regards to the One Step OPK (10 Pack) ends today.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our MB Network is buzzing!

We have a lot of buzz going on the forum this week with regards to testing. Pee On A Stick Madness has seem to have struck, thank you to all the ladies supporting each other and being that virtual shoulder to cry on when needed. It's awesome to see you all encouraging each other.

Good luck to everyone testing over the next few days. We hope to be celebrating some BFPs soon.

We had an awesome response last week to the Rejuvenator For Women give-away. I'm sorry I did not have any more to give away.

It seems like there are some of our Making Babies men who are taking some stress from TTC, don't forget we also stock the Liberator FF for men. Talking from personal experience, this is just what is needed when the pressure is on during Ovulation time.

This end of week special is on the One Step Ovulation Predictor Kits 10 Pack - R 100.00 includes Registered Mail Shipping Fees.

Have a great Thursday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Age: nothing but a number?

Trying to conceive (TTC) in your Thirties may prove to be more difficult than when you were younger and at your most fertile.

A study showed that:

* By age 30, 7% of couples were infertile
* By age 35, 11% of couples were infertile
* By age 40, 33% of couples were infertile
* At age 45, 87% of couples were infertile

Women are born with over a million eggs, but by the time they hit puberty just over 300 000 are left. Of this huge amount of eggs, would you believe that only about 300 will mature and be part of the ovulation process?

As we age, our reproductive capability slows down, our eggs don't mature enough to be considered healthy to sustain a healthy ovulation followed by a successful pregnancy. This is a natural decline of fertility, it can happen to any woman regardless of how well we have taken care of our bodies. Of course having bad habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol could speed up this decline in fertility.

Often in older woman who are TTC, their bodies might lack myo-inositol. Are any bells ringing yet? Myo-inositol is the main ingredient in Inofolic. It is responsible for producing healthy follicle fluid which determines the health of the egg.

Healthy egg = Healthy pregnancy

Most women who are having ovulation issues are put onto Clomid as a first line of treatment plan. How ever some times the body does not react to the Clomid as it should, i.e producing follicles and successful ovulation. This is where Inofolic can also play a role: One study showed that Inofolic will reduce clomiphene resistance significantly when started at least one month before Clomiphene treatment. Meaning that it will help your body "react" to the Clomid more successfully.


I thought it would be interesting to see the age categories of our Making Babies Members: (as I've noticed that most are in their thirties.)

Age is nothing but a number?


We have another BFP to report, but I'm just waiting for the new Fairy to come share her pics of her tests. A beautiful BFP at 10dpo.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Limited Special on MB

Hello again,

I forgot the most important little bit of info I wanted to share with you all this morning.

It's my 30th Birthday on Friday, and I'm feeling rather generous. So I've decided to give gifts out to the first 10 orders to the minimum value of R 200.00 that come through between now and then.

What will you be getting?

REJUVENATOR FOR WOMEN – (30 Caps) Valued at R 199.00 But yours free to the first 10 orders!

Terms and Conditions

Only Orders above the value of R 200.00 will qualify for the free gift.

Orders need to be paid for in full, before and on 9 April 2010 in order to qualify.

Exciting stuff!

YI and TTC

Good morning everyone

Now that April's Fools and Easter has been dealt with I hope there is some serious Baby Making going on. :) We already have our first beautiful BFP on the board for April, be sure to go have a look!

Our newest product INOFOLIC is really proving to be very popular amongst our TTC ladies. (And not only for PCOS). Inofolic can be used for normal fertility as well by increasing egg health and balancing hormones. Another draw card is that Inofolic can be used for weight management.

I have had a few queries over the last month or two about how Yeast Infections (YI) - Candida can affect Trying to Conceive. Yeast infections are over all pretty easy to clear up with some meds from your doctor or OTC at the chemist. The only effect a YI can have is that it can cause a “hostile” environment for the sperm to survive. It has no effect on ovulation or conception itself. So it all comes down to the environment that we are subjecting the sperm to.

A yeast infection won’t stop you from falling pregnant but it can make the process of trying to conceive a little more difficult.

Using an anti-fungal cream like Monistat or other over the counter remedies will help you get rid of the infection but you are actually interfering with the sperm's path to the uterus. The sperm will have increased difficulty going around and through the anti-fungal creams.

Bearing in mind as well, though it is uncommon, you can pass your yeast infection to your partner causing cross infection back and forth. Not solving the issue at all. You are better off trying to conceive once the yeast infection has cleared up.

How do we ensure that we have happy v-jay-jays for that all important sperm to survive in? Come on, you all knew I was going to have a solution for you...... :)


The studies show that Monogin is effective for the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis but it also has fungistatic (stop growth) and fungicidal (kill fungus) properties and therefore can be used to treat fungal infections as well. Monogin only has a cross infection rate of 1.8% vs the 12.1% - 20% of other Medicated Anti-Fungal Creams.

Monogin is a great once off, easy to use product for the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis.

On that note, I would like to wish you all a fabulous week. Catch you on the forum!